Cataracts are a serious condition. When someone develops cataracts, it means that the lens of their eye has started to become cloudy. Cataracts can cause blurred vision and difficulty seeing. If left untreated, it can eventually cause total loss of sight. To treat cataracts, an eye doctor will need to perform cataract surgery to remove the damaged portion of your eye's lens. Here is what you can expect from cataract surgery:
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Floaters In Your Eyes? An Ophthalmologist Might Have A Solution
As you age, you may start to experience visual phenomena known as "floaters." These are little, shadowy things that resemble dots, threads, or cobwebs that seem to drift in and out of your field of vision. When you focus on them, they tend to "float" or drift to a new position.
For some people, floaters are a mild annoyance. For others, they're a terribly disturbing problem that clouds their vision and negatively affects their ability to function.
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Struggling To See Certain Things? See An Optometrist For A Complete Eye Exam
Do you have trouble seeing as good as you used to? If you feel like you are always straining your eyes when you are looking at a computer screen or reading a book, you could have a vision problem. Even if you never needed glasses when you were younger, you may need them now because your vision has changed. A person's vision can deteriorate over time based on genetics and other factors, so the best thing to do is see an optometrist for an eye exam.
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