Do you have trouble seeing as good as you used to? If you feel like you are always straining your eyes when you are looking at a computer screen or reading a book, you could have a vision problem. Even if you never needed glasses when you were younger, you may need them now because your vision has changed. A person's vision can deteriorate over time based on genetics and other factors, so the best thing to do is see an optometrist for an eye exam.
What Happens During the Examination?
When it is your first time seeing an optometrist, you need to let him or her know what is going on with your eyes. You should answer the following questions:
- How often do you squint your eyes to try to see something?
- Are you having difficulty reading the words on a computer screen or in a book?
- Do you have trouble seeing what signs say when you are outside?
- How would you describe your vision troubles at the moment?
By answering these questions, you are letting the optometrist know what is going on and what you are having the most trouble seeing as of lately. After you have answered those questions, assorted tests are often performed to give the optometrist an idea of how well you can see things that are near you and further away from you. The acuity test involves you reading from a board that has assorted letters on it. The letter starts off big and then end up much smaller. A refraction assessment is necessary because it lets the optometrist know what types of vision problems you are having before he or she writes out a prescription for glasses.
What Happens If You Need Glasses to Correct Your Vision?
If the tests prove that you do need glasses, the optometrist will give you a prescription. You can decide if you want to get traditional glasses or if you would rather have contacts instead. When you receive that prescription, you can have the glasses or contacts made to help you see better. Your optometrist will tell you when you should wear them. For example, some people need to have their vision corrected all the time while others only need to wear glasses when they are reading something or trying to see something from a far distance.
If your vision is not the same as it was before and you are feeling concerned, you should see an optometrist. The optometrist can perform an eye exam and let you know if you will need to wear glasses or contacts to help with correcting your vision.